4 Vital Features to Look for in Patio Furniture Sets

luxury patio furniture

When looking at prospective patio furniture sets for your home, there is something you will probably be quick to catch onto; not all patio sets are created equal. Patio furniture is made from an array of different materials and formed in many diverse shapes, sizes, and finishes. While all of the characteristics having to do with size and color may differ from set to set, the main aspects of large patio sets remain fairly consistent. Here are the four essential pieces you should consider buying when purchasing large outdoor furniture for your patio.

Individual Seating

Large patio furniture sets are usually purchased for those homes that have a decent amount of people frequenting their patio. This could mean you have a large sized family, or perhaps you are a frequent entertainer. Either way it is a must to provide two different types of seating. Many, but not all patio sets come with 2 kinds of seats: sofa style and 1-2 stand-alone seats. Giving you and your guests the option to sit in their own seat is a must. These types of seats can come in many different forms including sofa styled club chairs, bar styled seats, or rocking and reclining chairs.  Not all large outdoor furniture sets have individual seating options, so it is important to take this into consideration and ask a store expert before purchasing your set.

Multiple Person Seating

As we mentioned above, there are two styles of seating that all large patio furniture sets must have. The second and equally as important style is multiple person seating. The best part about determining which type of multi-person seating is the best option for your needs is the variety of size, style and models you have to choose from. Multi-person seating can range from a two person mini sofa to a large outdoor sectional. The important thing to remember is that multi-person seating allows for more people to relax outside on your patio than would be able if your patio only consisted of individual seating.


While having multiple forms of seating options is must, the seating would feel incomplete without a central focal point, (and somewhere to put that ice cold margarita!) This is why tables are one of the most important aspects of patio furniture sets. As with seating, tables can come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the feel that you are looking to instill into your patio. If your patio design is one that will be used quite often for small parties involving Hors d’oeuvres and drinks then a larger slightly higher table might be more convenient and comfortable for your guests. If your patio space is mostly utilized for relaxing outside, then a smaller table that you can comfortably prop your feet on might be a better idea. Either way, it is vastly important that you are sure the set you purchase comes with a matching table. If it doesn’t, be sure to find a table you can buy separately that matches your collection style.


One last piece of equipment that you are going to need for your outdoor furniture set is a protective cover. You should always cover your patio furniture during the winter months when the patio is not being utilized. However, many people forget about the sun, which can do just as much, if not more damage then moisture. If you have a enclosed or covered patio, then you are already covered and no additional accessories are needed. However, if you do not have a covered patio, then there are several things you can look for to help with sun protection. One of these options is purchasing your patio sets, fitted cover. These covers are great for not only the sun but also winter protection as well. If you don’t have a cover and buying one now is out of the question you are in luck! Even just a little big of shade will do, the cover does not have to be huge, a patio umbrella will suffice if need be. Regardless of size, you should be sure to have at least one form of cover for your patio.

Patio furniture sets are one of the best ways to enhance the experience of your patio. The next time that you are looking for an outdoor furniture set for your patio, be sure that it contains these four features! If you have ever purchased a furniture set for your patio, we would love to hear the features that were most beneficial to you. Let us know via Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below!

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About Todd Singer

Todd Singer is the president of All American Fine Outdoor Furnishings. All American is a family owned, international retailer of luxury patio furniture. For three generations, All American has prided itself on providing high quality products and services to people all over the world.